SvanetiNews 18.10.2024

“In Today's Reality, I Think We All Should Strive for the Production of Environmentally Friendly Products!” - Giorgi Makharoblidze, Beekeeper

19.10.2023 23:45


My name is Giorgi Makharoblidze, and I am from the village of Lajana in the Tsageri region. Although my profession is law, my current endeavour is my passion - beekeeping. I've been nurturing bees since 2014, and I take pride in sharing that I've been engaged in organic production for two years. I am on track to attain my organic certification soon. The pivotal moment in my eight-year entrepreneurial journey was discovering the joint initiative of the European Union, Sweden, and Austria through the GRETA project. The assistance provided played a crucial role in shaping the prospects of my venture.

I found details about the project on the Internet. I've always been keen on grant programs and regularly follow various platforms where they announce ongoing and upcoming projects. The GRETA project caught my eye because of its focus on the organic sector in our region. I decided not to let this opportunity slip away. I thoroughly reviewed the available information, which was presented in a clear and well-organised manner. After completing the application process and progressing through the standard stages, my work underwent an on-site inspection during the application review. As I advanced to the final phase, I received an uplifting message stating that I had won the grant competition, marking the beginning of the next stage of development for my venture. 

I want to shed light on the intricate process of beekeeping production to emphasise the pivotal role the support from donors, particularly the GRETA project, has played. Let's start with a crucial tool known as a "homogeniser." This device adeptly blends various types of honey to achieve a uniform taste. After extracting honey from different hives, homogenisation ensures a consistent flavour. Additionally, it handles crystallisation, a process necessary as honey tends to crystallise over time. Next, we employ a honeycomb grinding table to process the honeycomb, followed by filtering. Subsequently, the honey is placed in stainless steel containers, facilitating storage and enabling us to sell our products at opportune moments. The peak of this journey is achieving bio-certification. The donor’s generous coverage of the one-year certification fees empowered us to transition from conventional bee farming to organic production. This transition marked a significant turning point. Formerly, we operated a standard bee farm.

I want to share why embracing organic production is a remarkable achievement within our sector: In this mode of production, the emphasis shifts from quantity to quality. The organic approach enhances the quality of honey, making it truly exceptional. Consequently, consumer demand continues to surge. Interestingly, price increments are no longer the sole evaluation criteria for our consumers. Organic honey's superior quality speaks for itself, driving its increasing demand.

In conclusion, based on my little journey, I strongly advise fellow entrepreneurs to prioritise quality and ecological production.

As for my future endeavours, I am ambitious about expanding my beehive, growing bee families, and tapping into the domestic and international markets. Branding is on the plans, and I intend to invest in approximately five times more hives. I am open to collaborations and eager to connect to achieve these goals and acquire new insights. Feel free to reach me via


With the support of the European Union, Sweden and Austria, 68 small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the highland region of Georgia have received substantial assistance for their business development.

Take advantage of the upcoming success stories, where incredibly fascinating people will share their experiences with us.

Project GRETA | “Green Economy: Sustainable Mountain Tourism and Organic Agriculture” is implemented by the Austria Development Agency in Georgia with the support of the European Union, Austria, and Sweden. The project aims to improve the business environment and create new income opportunities in two important sectors of the Georgian economy, mountain tourism and organic agriculture.


This material has been produced with the assistance of the European Union, Sweden, and Austria within the framework of the GRETA project.  Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Austrian Development Agency /GRETA Project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union, Sweden, or Austri


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#GRETAProject #forthedevelopmentofthemountaineconomy